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Innovating Science® - Forensic Drug and Poison Analysis Lab Activity Refill

Product # IS9016-REF
Refill Kit Includes:
10g Aspirin
10g Acetaminophen
10g Sodium Bicarbonate Antacid
10g Effervescent Antacid
10g Unknown #1
10g Unknown #2
30ml Universal Indicator Solution
30ml 0.5M Hydrochloric Acid
30ml Ferric Nitrate
1g Simulated Marijuana
10g Simulated LSD
10g Simulated Cocaine
30ml Simulated Cocaine Detection Reagent
30ml Simulated LSD Detection Reagent
30ml Simulated Lead Solution
30ml Simulated Mercury Solution
30ml Unknown Poison
30ml Simulated Potassium Chromate
30ml Simulated Urine Sample
30ml Alanine Control
30ml Glycine Control Spray Bottle w/ 0.5g Ninhydrin Powder
4 x 25ml 95% Ethanol
15 x 25ml Chromatography Solvent
15 Universal Indicator Color Charts
6 Capillary Tubes
15pc Chromatography Sheets
DOT Info:
Small quantity exemption 173.4
THIS PACKAGE CONFORMS TO 49 CFR 173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only
Innovating Science® products are For Laboratory Use Only