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Innovating Science® - Distance Learning: DNA Extraction

Product # IS1505
In this lab students will learn the history of the discovery of DNA and DNA structure. They will understand the nature of genetic inheritance and the role of DNA and proteins in genetic expression while using biological detergents, enzymes, and ethanol to isolate DNA from plant material. You will need to supply the plant material. Kit contains an Instruction Manual and enough material for 2 groups of students.
Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)*
Disciplinary Core Ideas: LS1.A; LS3.A; LS3.B
Performance Expectations: HS-LS1-1; HS-LS3-1; HS-LS3-2; HS-LS3-3
Cross Cutting Concepts: Structure and Function; Cause and Effect; Scale, Proportion and Quantity; Science is a Human Endeavor
Engineering Practices: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions; Asking Questions and Defining Problems; Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Kit Includes:
50mL 7.5% SDS/1.5% NaCl
1 Pepsin (to make 25mL 0.5% solution)
10mL Ethanol, 95%
2 Zipper Bags
2 Filters
2 Plastic Tubes
4 Graduated Pipettes
2 Stirrers
2 Plastic Cups
DOT Info:
Small quantity exemption 173.4
THIS PACKAGE CONFORMS TO 49 CFR 173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only
*"Next Generation Science Standards" is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards was involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Innovating Science® products are For Laboratory Use Only